Personal Protective Equipment
Have you ever had to use PPE? For many of us, 2020 might have been the first time ever, but if you are doing work in or around your home, it is wise to use PPE for protection. PPE stands for Personal Protective Equipment, and there are many different types that are...
Dangerous Building Materials
Asbestos is probably the one building material that most homeowners are aware of since it can be so harmful to their health. Asbestos was used in insulation, for fire-proofing and strengthening other materials. It took several years before the ill health effects were...
Dryer Fires
Dryer fires are still one of the most common causes of house fires. One of the most common reasons for this is a dirty vent pipe filled with lint. Dryer lint is a very combustible material. IOn fact, it is often used by outdoors enthusiasts to start fires outside...
Is Your Water Too Hot?
Having hot water running from a tap is one of the most underrated modern conveniences. For thousands of years, water was not readily available - even close to your home. Even after well systems were figured out, it took centuries before they were put into homes - and...
A Safe Power Strip
We probably all have several power strips plugged in around the home, especially since there never seems to be enough receptacles for all the devices we use on a regular basis. Did you know, though, that there is a correct and incorrect way to use a power strip? If...
Keep Warm And Safe
During the colder months of the year, Carbon Monoxide (CO) poisonings multiply in many parts of the country. This is due to people using heaters that are made for outdoor use inside of their homes and then suffocating on the fumes. Carbon Monoxide is so deadly that...
I Don’t Have Any Pets
Pet allergies can be very serious. Some even suffer from allergies so severe they could end up in a hospital just from spending some time in the same home as a pet. Whether this is the case with you, or if you just have some mild discomfort, living in a home where a...
What Type of Fire are You Dealing With?
A fire is a fire, right? There is not much to differentiate one from the other… or is there? Well, the truth is that while fires might look similar, the material that is burning could have a big impact both on how the fire behaves and how you should go about...
Keeping The Fire At Bay
Doesn’t it seem like we hear more about wildfires on the news than ever before? With weather patterns being so unpredictable, it could happen anywhere, and some areas that never had the issue in the past are now facing a different reality. Wildfires can lead to...
When Water Becomes Your Enemy
As a homeowner, you have many things on your mind, but is water high on your list of concerns? If not, it should be. Water damage is very common, and repair and remediation can cost a lot of money. On top of that, water also has an amazing ability to make it into your...